Saturday, November 29, 2008


Under what circumstances, if any, is it acceptable to threaten a member of your own family with physical violence?


Terry Morris said...

You're talking one adult member threatening physical violence on another adult member?

Uh oh.

Call Me Mom said...

When it is clearly understood by all parties that the threat is made in jest.

It might be permissible if it is understood by all parties to be hyperbole if their are no divisive issues under discussion and if it is clearly understood that the speaker would not carry out said threat.

Terry Morris said...

A belated Happy Birthday, by the way.

Terry Morris said...

Merry Christmas, bro.

Call Me Mom said...

Merry Christmas Fuzz

Terry Morris said...

Alright, I and others have been patient long enough, and it is high time that one of us speak up!

We've been checking in to your blog for the last couple of months, anticipating the next edition of the ongoing saga we've all come to know as the "Restroom Chronicles," yet to find nothing, as if to say nothing has happened in the interim.

Talk about barbaric behavior; talk about human indignity; talk about smearing it in the face of your fellow man (and no, I don't think it's a Payday)!!!

It is true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I think you're taking it to the extreme here. Or have you just sworn off of using public restrooms altogether by now? ;-)

Call Me Mom said...

I would lecture you on the infrequency of your posting as well, but I am guilty too. lol